Sunday, February 20, 2011

Why I created this blog.

I have written a book, still to be published, titled "The Psychology of Management." This blog is a vehicle for discussing the ideas contained in the book with its potential audience prior to publication. My hope is that through this dialog, I will become a better communicator and that the readers of this blog will learn something of value. I anticipate reader feedback leading to improvements in my book prior to publication. I want "The Psychology of Management" to be of practical use to those who read it.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Bernstein's understanding of a manager's psychological challenges is exceptional. I have been in several management positions and seen other managers at work. Imposing one's authority or evading conflict are not long run solutions. "Plan B" is a sensible, workable and effective approach to problem solving. I wish I had this approach available to me when I was learning to be a manager. It would have helped me to understand the dilemmas I was in, and to find creative solutions to resolve them. I am looking forward to Dr. Bernstein's book Psychology for Managers. I don't think that there is anything like it now available. Applying psychologically sound, commonsense insights to the workplace will help managers and organizations face the problems that get them into trouble. As a psychoanalyst and a manager, I think that this is a wonderful contribution.

    Andrew Lotterman, M.D.
    Associate Clinical Professor of Psychiatry
    Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst
    Columbia University
